Economic Reform Australia
working for a just and
sustainable society
Economic Reform Australia exists to promote a critical approach to economic thinking, commonly referred to as heterodox economics.
This challenge to orthodox economic thinking is prompted by the manifest failure of mainstream economic theory to support widespread social and environmental benefits for society. The wealth gap continues to expand, the natural environment continues to be degraded and social cohesion and well-being undermined.
The limitations of an economic paradigm which promotes the “free market” as arbiter of social good is plain for all to see.
Heterodox economics covers a broad spectrum of insights and perspectives. Common to most however is a searing critique of the mainstream doctrine, often referred to as neoliberalism which has dominated economic and political discourse for over 40 years. Today it stands increasingly condemned by the dire consequences now confronting society and the natural environment.
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Economic Reform Australia has no party political affiliation. Our goal is to promote debate amongst decision makers and the wider community about the economic foundations for a financially stable society based on social justice and ecological sustainability.
The ERA Review is issued bi-monthly with contributions by authors from around the globe.
Recent articles from the ERA Review are listed below.
To save the planet: Disable this global consumer-corporate machine
To save the planet: Disable this global consumer-corporate machine Geoff...
Read More2024 Nobel Prize for economics
2024 Nobel Prize for economics Revealing the bankruptcy of conventional...
Read MoreCan anyone concisely propose a theory of systems change?
Can anyone concisely propose a theory of systems change? Wayne...
Read MoreAccess all previous articles on our ERA Review page
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There are many interesting internet based resources. Some suggested links are provided below.
Thrival Economics – Dr Geoff Davies
International Movement for Monetary Reform
Fresh Economic Thinking – Dr Cameron Murray
Modern Monetary Theory – Prof Bill Mitchell
Money – what it is, how it works – William Hummel
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Economics is not a vanity project!